Header anamorphic image
Lena Källberg • +46-(0)733-36 74 87lena@pinhole.se

The tech side

Why pinhole
Building a pinhole camera
Buying a pinhole camera
My cameras


Cardboard cylinder
Anamorphic cylinder
Film canister #1
Film canister #2
Pizza box
Pinhole movies
Seymour 135B
Matchbox camera:
A4 size
Letter size

About solargraphy

About the photographer

Buying a pinhole camera

These are some of the online shops that sell different types of pinhole cameras:

At the Lomographic Society in Austria you can buy cardboard cameras as well as more long lived types, such as Zero Image cameras, kits for building your own paper cameras and also Pinhole Blender, which is a lovely camera, even though I find it a little difficult to control. Lomographic Society is also the place to buy the Diana+ or the Holga camera with a built-in pinhole feature. lomography.com/shop

Pinhole Resource in the US also has a vast range of cameras, anything from DSLR camera pinhole body caps to large format cameras and anamorphcic cameras that take 120 format film. pinholeresource.com/shop

Also check out the beautiful handcrafted ONDU cameras!

Zero Image in Hong Kong sell all their beautiful wooden cameras in their online shop. Models range from 135-film types to large format, De Luxe models with built-in bubble levels etc. zeroimage.com

Freestyle Photographic Supplies sell paint bucket cameras, wooden camera kits, large format cameras and other goodies. freestylephoto.biz


Please note that I did not try shopping from all these online shops myself and I do not guarantee the reliability of any of them. But I think they are OK!


Interesting reads...
Zero Image
Pinhole resource
Peter Wiklund
Maco Direct
Lumiere Shop
Fotoimpex Berlin
Lena Källberg Photography